Marc Besançon

Atsuto Suzuki
KEK Director General
Specialization: High Energy Physics
Research outline:カムランドによるニュートリノ科学の研究/高エネルギー加速器研究機構運営学位:理学修士(東北大学)1971年/理学博士(東北大学)1974年所属学会等:日本物理学会受賞歴:朝日賞(カミオカンデ・グループ受賞)(1988)/米国天文学会ロッシー賞(1989)/朝日賞(スーパーカミオカンデ・グループ受賞)(1999)/仁科記念賞(2003)紫綬褒章(2005)/学士院賞(2006)/露国ポンテコルボ賞(2006) 

Happy New Year to everyone. I would like to say a few words at the beginning of the year.We had the big disaster last year which caused us to work extremely hard to recover. But the disaster was not all bad in some way. One month after the disaster, we announced a plan for recovery that was considered to be too optimistic by many people. However, as we worked so hard, we reached each milestone point in the plan earlier than announced. Because of this, KEK did get a high praise by many and I was flooded by e-mails of admiration. We earned the trust of our worldwide users. This must have reached the government and we did receive additional funding. I thank you for your hard working.People outside of our research community recognized our contributions. What we did to name a few were:
Real-time on-line announcement of radiation level in the air measured at KEK site
